Hello! I am so sorry that I haven't posted in forever. I've been adjusting to my life here in South Korea and I have neglected my writing. I also haven't been cooking very much either. My kitchen is pretty small so I don't have the counter space to really do much. However, I am surrounded by lovely restaurants and I plan to do some posts about them in the near future. I'm also slightly addicted to the food ordering app yogiyo which I will also post about. On the beauty front I have been testing out some fun products and I'll make sure to share those will you as well.
I'm so sorry that I've been away. Teaching has taken a lot of my attention for the past few months and I've been really working towards becoming the awesome teacher that I want to be. I've had my ups and my downs but I really do love all of my students and my school. I want to make sure everyone is learning and having a good time while still setting boundaries. Class management is no joke! I thought that lesson planning was going to be hard but man, it's nothing compared do dealing with children with all different types of personalities and needs. I'm lucky in that I have really small class sizes but it still has its moments. I just want to provide the children with everything they need to be successful. I have so many things I would love to share with my students but sometimes it's hard with the language barrier. Sometimes they fight or get upset and I wish I could comfort them with my words but that's not always possible. Most of the time I just say it in English and hope them can understand the message on some level.
I'm a little over half way through my first year of teaching and it has been a ride. I've learned so much about myself and I am so thankful for this journey. I've made some really good friends and I'll be sad to see them leave. For some, this is just a brief experience but for me I can't imagine leaving so soon. 1 year wouldn't be enough. I haven't fully experienced everything yet. I have more traveling to do, more people to meet, more life to live. At times I worry that I am wasting the experience by not traveling every time we are given time off of work. I do want to see what the world has to offer but I also don't feel the need to escape from this experience. They say to create a life that you don't need to take a vacation from and I feel like that is what I'm doing. I love living in South Korea. I feel so happy and free. And at time things may feel daunting but I wouldn't trade it for anything. I like where I am at and I am so thankful for that. I think a lot of the time we are searching for or chasing after something. We forget the beauty of just being. Of enjoying where you are in this moment. Breathe. This moment is magic.
Thank you so much for taking the time to read my post and for your patience. I hope to have some new content for you soon.
Beautifully said enjoy the journey!